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Subsite Electronics Transtar

This steerable transporter features six wheels for sure footing during inspections. The all-gear-driven tractor is powered by two 90-watt motors, allowing it to inspect larger lines. The clutch allows rapid freewheel retrieval once the inspection is complete so you can wrap up quickly and get on to your next task.


  • Single-conductor technology for significant cost and performance advantages over multi-conductor technology through interchangeability of components, backwards and forwards compatibility, and reduced downtime.

  • Functions on up to 2,000 feet of cable.

  • Three forward speeds, reverse and freewheel.

  • Water resistant per IP68 requirements.

  • Motorized elevator systems.

  • For 6?-30? diameter pipe

  • Full steering allows unit to rotate on its own axis,making it extremely maneuverable.

  • Features


    • Single-conductor technology for significant cost and performance advantages over multi-conductor technology through interchangeability of components, backwards and forwards compatibility, and reduced downtime.

    • Functions on up to 2,000 feet of cable.

    • Three forward speeds, reverse and freewheel.

    • Water resistant per IP68 requirements.

    • Motorized elevator systems.

    • For 6?-30? diameter pipe

    • Full steering allows unit to rotate on its own axis,making it extremely maneuverable.

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