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Series 500 Heavy Duty Coring Truck

The Series 500 coring truck from Utilicor Technologies is the most robust coring truck available on the market today. Used by dozens gas utilities and their contractors for over a decade, the Series 500 allows its users to quickly cut keyholes through roadways and sidewalks at a rate of 1" per minute due to its 5000 P.S.I. of isolated down force focused on the coring drum and center pilot bit assembly.

Two, truck mounted, independently operated hydraulic stabilizers allow for the entire suspension of the truck to be isolated from the coring process, allowing for quick and accurate core cuts.

This is the only heavy duty keyhole specific coring truck produced for the industry and it will perform year after year beyond all expectations.


  • Drum Speed: 0 - 280 RPM

  • Water Tank: 100 Gallons

  • Coring Unit Weight (water tank full): 6800 lbs.

  • Coring Unit Weight (water tank empty): 6000 lbs.

  • Coring Drum Diameter: up to 24”

  • Coring Drum Depth: up to 22”


Torqshift 5-speed Auto Transmission
Transmission PTO Provision
6.4L V-8 Diesel or Gas Engine
Cab to Axel:
Rear Overhang (AF):


Full 1/8” checker plate decking, 96” wide, running the full length of the bed with formed structural deck reinforcements


Sand-blasted, powder-coated primer and finish coat (50% gloss black)

Coring and Manipulator Assembly

25” diameter rotating turret assembly with worm gear rotation. 270° rotation, hydraulically operated vertical arm assembly, with hydraulic control ring hold-down system. 12” to 24” diameter wet drilling core bit capacity with 48” travel stroke, linear glide system and proportional orbital hydraulic drum feed control system.

Available Coring Unit Options:

  • Core Hoist (500 lbs. capacity)

  • Winterizing System

  • “Stabilizer Deployed” warning system

  • Deck mounted access steps

  • Long Handled tool box upgrade

  • 3000 watt inverter

  • Slider Master slide-out storage tray (36” x 70” x 8”)

  • Heavy duty tow package


Two rear mounted hydraulic stabilizer legs. Drive system: Power take-off installed on truck transmission.


Traffic cone carrier, 22 sq. ft. deck mounted utility storage box, spare coring drum carrier, dual LED flashing amber strobe lights.

Tool Boxes

Two under-deck mounted toolboxes. (48” L x 18” H x 18” D) Optional upgrade for long handled tools.

Water System

100 USG plastic water tank. Hydraulically driven high-pressure water pump, 5.5 G.P.M. @ 1500 P.S.I. with 15 ft of 3/8” hose and high-pressure handgun. Electric water pump, 3 G.P.M. @ 30 P.S.I. and includes 1/2” diameter water hose running to gland assembly on cutter drive shaft for cooling of cutter head and additional hose for cleaning and cooling outside of cutter.

Hydraulic System

Hydraulic load-sense pump, drive line mounted to PTO with MH3 HydraPak hydraulic cooling system complete with 15 gallon hydraulic reservoir. Includes suction and return lines, sight glass, temperature gauge, fill port, drain port and oil filter.

Basic Coring Package (extra)

ProCor diamond segment coring drum with "A" flange drive adapter, steel pilot shaft, bi-cone pilot bit or tri-tooth carbide pilot bit, pavement protection impact plate, standard core-puller, and Utilibond mixing paddle.


6”@10.5lb/ft structural channel sills, running the full deck length with six bolt-on hold-down assemblies.

Control System

Plug in remote pendant control with 15 foot cable extension for operation of manipulator/cutter assembly and stabilizers, with boom-mounted control panel emergency shutdown switch, and digital coring drum R.P.M. read out.

  • Features


    • Drum Speed: 0 - 280 RPM

    • Water Tank: 100 Gallons

    • Coring Unit Weight (water tank full): 6800 lbs.

    • Coring Unit Weight (water tank empty): 6000 lbs.

    • Coring Drum Diameter: up to 24”

    • Coring Drum Depth: up to 22”

  • Specifications


    Torqshift 5-speed Auto Transmission
    Transmission PTO Provision
    6.4L V-8 Diesel or Gas Engine
    Cab to Axel:
    Rear Overhang (AF):
  • Details


    Full 1/8” checker plate decking, 96” wide, running the full length of the bed with formed structural deck reinforcements


    Sand-blasted, powder-coated primer and finish coat (50% gloss black)

    Coring and Manipulator Assembly

    25” diameter rotating turret assembly with worm gear rotation. 270° rotation, hydraulically operated vertical arm assembly, with hydraulic control ring hold-down system. 12” to 24” diameter wet drilling core bit capacity with 48” travel stroke, linear glide system and proportional orbital hydraulic drum feed control system.

    Available Coring Unit Options:

    • Core Hoist (500 lbs. capacity)

    • Winterizing System

    • “Stabilizer Deployed” warning system

    • Deck mounted access steps

    • Long Handled tool box upgrade

    • 3000 watt inverter

    • Slider Master slide-out storage tray (36” x 70” x 8”)

    • Heavy duty tow package


    Two rear mounted hydraulic stabilizer legs. Drive system: Power take-off installed on truck transmission.


    Traffic cone carrier, 22 sq. ft. deck mounted utility storage box, spare coring drum carrier, dual LED flashing amber strobe lights.

    Tool Boxes

    Two under-deck mounted toolboxes. (48” L x 18” H x 18” D) Optional upgrade for long handled tools.

    Water System

    100 USG plastic water tank. Hydraulically driven high-pressure water pump, 5.5 G.P.M. @ 1500 P.S.I. with 15 ft of 3/8” hose and high-pressure handgun. Electric water pump, 3 G.P.M. @ 30 P.S.I. and includes 1/2” diameter water hose running to gland assembly on cutter drive shaft for cooling of cutter head and additional hose for cleaning and cooling outside of cutter.

    Hydraulic System

    Hydraulic load-sense pump, drive line mounted to PTO with MH3 HydraPak hydraulic cooling system complete with 15 gallon hydraulic reservoir. Includes suction and return lines, sight glass, temperature gauge, fill port, drain port and oil filter.

    Basic Coring Package (extra)

    ProCor diamond segment coring drum with "A" flange drive adapter, steel pilot shaft, bi-cone pilot bit or tri-tooth carbide pilot bit, pavement protection impact plate, standard core-puller, and Utilibond mixing paddle.


    6”@10.5lb/ft structural channel sills, running the full deck length with six bolt-on hold-down assemblies.

    Control System

    Plug in remote pendant control with 15 foot cable extension for operation of manipulator/cutter assembly and stabilizers, with boom-mounted control panel emergency shutdown switch, and digital coring drum R.P.M. read out.




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